Following my process with found materials and objects

This is where my textile art meets mixed media as I grow and experiment. Having been into re-cycling and re-using since the 60’s there is nothing more exciting to me than finding a stash of materials I have never used before. From Perspex off cuts to PVC tubes,...
Following a circular process

Following a circular process

Circles have always fascinated me and have become a recurring theme. A good friend of mine was a source of inspiration for this piece. She is always making things for in her house and on one visit showed me her curtain of circles with beads and feathers. I loved the...
Making new connections in diversity

Making new connections in diversity

During lock down I started to rediscover things that I had bought with the idea of making something with them. Sewing has always been my chosen activity as I find it focuses my thoughts and is very contemplative. I had been to a sale from The Diabetic Fund here in the...
Make do and mend Corona style

Make do and mend Corona style

Finally after being in lock down since 15th March the museums opened Corona style with 1.5 m distancing, masks and an appointment to get in. My friend Siobhan and I headed of to an exhibition called ” Fashion on a Ration ” at the Dutch Resistance Museum....

Discovering passementerie buttons

Buttons can really change the look of an outfit make it more glamorous or individual. I have always collected useful things like buttons, beads and materials like a magpie stashing them away for future projects. I decided to start selling my vintage buttons and...

Experiments in photographing textiles

Taking good pictures of textile art with a smartphone is just not working for me. For product photos for Etsy it works well but as my textile art has loads of colour and lots of detail and texture I have seen that with apps and even a good smartphone it just never...
Sacred Ceremony

Sacred Ceremony

Sometimes you just feel the urge to create something different, maybe on a larger scale than you have made before. So it was with this “necklace”. I have been making jewelry for years using vintage pieces and found objects but I felt like making something...

Making bowls with textiles

If you love learning new techniques, then try making bowls out of fabric and other bits and pieces. It is a lot of fun and everyone has the freedom to interpret it in their style. Before you know it you have made something with fabric in a totally different way. When...