We all make choices in our lives, what we like, what we do, what we are interested in. I am one of those people who when I discover something I like I get so enthusiastic that I find myself constantly recommending it to others. Whether it is something inspiring, how to do something creative, people you come across who do interesting things or that great new place or thing you just discovered, the most obvious thing to do for me is to share it with others who might also like and value knowing about it.

Carola’s Choices has been born because I wanted to create a space online where I could share all of these things
with others who also love to share and be inspired.
Growing up as a teenager in the 60’s the whole world opened up as people started to move across the planet. I
discovered then a love of many things that are now being valued and appreciated more than ever. Things like making
something yourself by hand, meeting and sharing things with people from different places, recycling, upcycling, retro
and vintage and most important of all being inspired to make positive changes to your life. Coming into contact with
these things made a lasting impression and has been a thread throughout my life and is still a passion of mine.
I came to Amsterdam in 1967 after the “summer of love” in England, my mother met a Dutchman and we moved to
Amsterdam on boxing day 1967 and I have lived here almost non stop since then. In the early 70’s I opened one of the first a Vintage stores in Amsterdam.

In the early 80’s I had vintage store near Covent Garden and lived round the corner from All Saints Road with reggae
music floating in through my windows and the carnival on my doorstep.
I love Amsterdam and after 50 years I still love it! I can cycle everywhere, you always meet new people and discover new things it is never boring with
all the different cultures and people who live here.
There is always something happening, changing, developing and even though I live here I am always discovering
something new.
Carola’s Choices will be a real mix of things that I like and want to share, as I am interested in variety of things take a
look and see if there is something there you find inspiring or informative that maybe you would like to share with others.
You can see my textile art under My Artwork. I also have an Etsy shop where I am selling my vintage finds, buttons, jewelry and all kinds of bits and pieces, Take a look ! http://www.etsy.com/shop/CarolasChoices